"Scrap the art is a bi-monthly challenge dedicated to pulling your artistic ability to new heights. Just to clarify you don't need to paint anything. Unless of course you feel moved to paint. You can take inspiration from the painting in any way you feel. Shapes, colors, layout, theme etc. We welcome you to join along and we look forward to seeing your wonderful creations."
i answered the call for designers and raven at Scrap The Art commented on my blog
"Hey Helen its Raven with Scrap The Art. Your work is amazing. We would love it if you were interested in taking a guest designer spot",
so i replied "guest designer spot??? if you think my creations would qualify me for the title then i say yes!!! thanks for the invite, provide details when they are available! can i mention this on my blog in advance?"
and raven said "Oh absolutely. Brag all you want. You're work is awesome. If you could just don't tell anyone other than family of course what the first challenge is going to be." so... i'm bragging!!!