Tuesday, March 23, 2010

sweet blogger award

given to me by audrey frelx

thank you, audrey! i feel so honored that you thought of me for this award.  the Sweet Blogger award is being passed on to just five of the many blogs i follow and i enjoy visiting each one searching for and finding inspiration!  i recommend to my readers, a visit to each of these blogs, view their creations and leave a comment letting them know they are appreciated!  and now, in no particular order...i must pass this on to 5 of my followers, linking them within my post and asking them to put the logo on their blog or within a post.

1.  scrap crazyyyys

now i have to list ten things that make me happy and five trivia things.

things that make me happy:

1. the places i've been
2. the things i have done
3. the memories i have
4. the dreams i've dreamt
5. the regrets are few!!!
6. the sense of satisfying an artistic need when crafting
7. repurposing recyclable treasures
8. sharing laughs
9. feeling alive   
10. enjoying the company of my son

trivia things:

1. i still don't know what i want to be when i grow up
2. i would rather be sailing than fishing
3. i like my grill cheese sandwich on whole grain, cut in triangles served with mustard
4. i love crisp fresh linen
5. i like my tea with milk,  my coffee black and my wine white!


  1. Thanks so much for this beautiful award and for sharing some of you with us. I deeply appreciate your thoughtfulness.

  2. Congrats on your award..Thank you for visting my blog and your lovely comment...I loved reading your comments after the award...
    Mandy xx

  3. I don't know what I want to be either!! :) Thank you so much for the "Follow" today and your sweet comments. :)

  4. Thanks for the award!!!! You are such a sweetie!!!! :-)

    I am going try to scrap something this weekend. Been a very busy week for me.

    I'm off to look at what you have been up to this week.

  5. Helen...I found this video for you to see about the scrunched tissue paper flower I made. It's exactly the same technique. Enjoy!!!

